Legal Notice

Otto Group Logistics GmbH

Werner-Otto-Str. 1-7
22179 Hamburg

Telefon: +49 40 537 55 – 0

Managing Directors

Henning Goldmann und Dr. Nadja Grabenströer

Commercial Register Court

Amtsgericht Hamburg

Commercial Register Number

HRB 178574

VAT Identification Number pursuant to § 27a UStG

DE 363 028 252

Person responsible for contents pursuant to § 55 RStV

Henning Goldmann, Otto Group Logistics GmbH


As our website contains links to external Internet sites we would like to point out that we have no influence on the layout and content of linked Internet sites. Therefore we expressly distance ourselves from the content of these sites. This statement applies to all links from our website and to the content of all pages that these links lead to.


The European Commission offers an online facility for consumers and traders to resolve their disputes. This online platform is available at As we are not obliged to take part in such arbitration proceedings, we cannot agree to participate in these proceedings.